Tuesday 16 September 2008

The Best Way to Celebrate Relationships - Choose the Best Wedding Gift

Weddings can be pretty expensive and they can leave your wallet almost empty. Many people dread the expenses but they also want their wedding to be smart, wonderful and never lacking in anything. If you are attending a wedding for somebody else, you always try your best to offer an expensive and impressive wedding gift which will keep your dignity and respect up there. If you were given something during your wedding and you think it was great, there is no harm in giving it to someone else. Re gifting is the new way of showing how much you value your friends and family. Deciding what to give newly weds can be a real challenge because you cannot afford anonymity. It might forever affect how you relate with the couple even after the honeymoon is over.

It is bad manners to attend a wedding without a gift. To show the newly weds that you are happy for them, by tradition you are supposed to honor them with a wedding gift. Would you get a knife as a gift to the newly weds? This is perceived as a bad omen. Some gifts should never be given at all costs. Thinking about how to save your cash, or yourself the hassles involved in shopping is the wrong attitude in giving. It is an absolute wrong way to give. When you are preparing a gift for a wedding it should correlate to your relationship with the bride and the groom. If they are close to you, your wallet might get way light. If they are friends of your friends limit your expenditure to $50.

You might be willing to get expensive and give but not all people can afford to be extravagant. The newly weds might be close friends and relatives but you can't simply afford. A good tip to giving something of good value in such circumstances is to actually split the bill of purchasing the wedding gift with a fellow attendant especially your friends and relatives. If you are in college or you have just finished school and you have not yet found a job yet everybody will appreciate your efforts to give. You can also put the little cash you can afford in a wedding card. Do what you are comfortable with, do not stretch yourself till you break.

For a wedding gift that talks volumes long after the wedding, look for something no one else in the whole wide world can never think of. You have to be original and creative. Samuel Becker who is a resident in Manhattan talks about the most memorable gift on his wedding day. He says that a colleague at work paid a magician to perform at their wedding party. The magic tricks were great and they still remain marked engraved in his memory. The gift ended up being the most unique thing about their wedding and it is highlighted every time someone talks about their wedding day. It was a daring gift because the member who gave it out was never sure of how it was going to be received. It turned out to be great.

By Francis K Githinji

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Wedding Gift Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Wedding Gift

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Francis_K_Githinji

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