Monday 16 February 2009

Give a Funny Wedding Speech

If you are trying to find as to how to give a very funny wedding speech, here are the ways that can help you go about this idea.

If you are a public speaker then you cannot become nervous when it comes to a wedding speech that would be funny. If you are not into public speaking, just don't worry. Wedding is just a get together where you can take the speech informally and funny. Go through the tips below and make your wedding speech funny with ease

  • Bring in practical humor related to marriage

Try to add humor notes into your speech. Let the funny notes be from practical real instances of married life. Let the narration be short but sweet and memorable. You have to make the audience laugh and laugh out loud.

  • Thank your parents, in-laws and bridesmaids

A funny wedding speech should not just be funny only. Parents and in-laws have worked hard to make it a success. So thank them. Then thank your in-laws for having raised such a beautiful and responsible woman/ handsome and responsible man with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life.

Thank the bridesmaids for having made this show a grand success.

  • Thank your friends

Friends would have come to the assistance of the bride and the groom. So don't forget to thank them.

  • Recollect the funny incidents that was a part and parcel of the preparation

Some instances during the marriage would have been real fun. Recollect them and share with the gathering and make them laugh out loud.

  • Add a few anecdotes that can make your speech funny

Marriage is where a woman and man become one. The problem starts when they try to fin which one. This is one anecdote that can induce a sense of euphoria among the gathering. Add such anecdotes in your speech and make sure that the gathering enjoys what you say.

By Jennifer Blais

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