Saturday 8 November 2008

The Right Words at the Right Time - The Guide to a Good Wedding Toast

One of the biggest celebrations that you will likely ever attend would be a wedding. And when you attend such a momentous event, one of the most amazing things that you are bound to hear would be the goodwill messages that the guests offer the bride and groom. And one of the best sources of these heartwarming wedding messages would definitely be the wedding toast. Wedding toasts are one of the best ways to show that the entire crowd assembled therein is in favor of the union of bride and groom and should therefore be memorable.

But when you find yourself in the dilemma of having to propose a wedding toast yourself. You'll suddenly discover that what in movies like 'My Best Friend's Wedding' seems so easy, is actually pretty tricky to perfect, specifically because you only have one chance to make an impression on every single ear that's listening to you, and because a lot of us have difficulty in speaking to large crowds. But what are the basic things you should keep in mind whenever proposing a toast for your best friend on the best day of his life?

Actually giving a memorable wedding toast is very much within reach. The following are tips to making a great wedding toast. Just make sure that what you are going to say is fun, light and G-rated. Don't say anything that would offend anyone from the grandmother to the kids. Always start with a strong voice to get everyone's attention and don't forget to introduce yourself before going into the body of your speech. Remember all eyes must be on you for everyone to be captured by the words you're saying.

Now that you have the attention of your audience, it's time to get on with your speech. Whatever you plan to say, be sure that you face your audience and make eye contact. If that freaks you out, look at them above head level instead. Remember to speak slowly and clearly, taking a deep breath before you actually say a word. Apart from of course mentioning the bride and the groom, it's best to keep it short and sweet. You're making a toast, not running for president. And by all means don't have too much to drink before you make your speech.

By Otto Kreistler

These are only a few things to keep in mind when trying to create that perfect toast. But abiding by these guidelines will certainly make you more prepared to face whatever the situation throws at you. If you want to know more about making the ultimate wedding toast, just visit:

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