Monday 16 February 2009

Planning Your Perfect Wedding - Use Foods of Spring to Enrich Your Perfect Spring Wedding

Spring is about renewal and rebirth; your wedding is about love bursting into flower and transforming your life. When you're celebrating your love and promising one another forever in your wedding ceremony and wedding vows, why not use your wedding foods to continue and deepen the metaphor?

All winter long, you've been nourishing yourselves and your souls with foods that keep and that keep you warm. Spring foods are about abundance and are only good when they're consumed in season. You don't can or save most of them, you savor them right then and there and remember their beauty for the next year. When you do it all over again. That's a great metaphor for your marriage. It's important to have rituals and reminders that love renews itself. Celebrate the season at your reception, but talk about those foods during the wedding ceremony so that people understand why they're eating what they're eating. The more ties you make to the things you do at your wedding, the more you will be reminded of those things at throughout your marriage. You'll remember your wedding vows every time you eat fresh asparagus if you've made that connection during the ceremony. Be married in the spring and celebrate life and love's bounty!

The thing about all these flavors is that many are delicate and should not be overwhelmed or over combined. Savor. Savor the tenderness, both in your food and in your marriage!

  1. Herbs: they're back! Basil is a queen among the spring herbs but if you have a protected spot many herbs will push their heads up in celebration of the sunshine.

  2. Spices: these spices will not overwhelm the subtle tastes of spring. Try these (in small doses of course) as the perfect compliment to spring flavors: Cardamom, cloves and vanilla, saffron, cumin, young ginger and young chili peppers.

  3. Greens: at last! Watercress, collards, dandelions, spinach and lettuces. This is a taste I long for all winter. Many of them are a bit sharp and spicy. And isn't love? Would we want love if it only ever tasted like sweet bib lettuce?

  4. Fleeting Vegetables: Fiddlehead ferns, baby asparagus and spring onions. Yum. Love is elusive. So is great food. But every once in a while, everything comes together.

  5. Fruits: There are not a lot at this time of year. And in fact this first one is really a vegetable. But oh, it tastes like a fruit! Rhubarb. Tart and tangy. Lemons and Limes can be used to delicately augment other sweets and renew the hope of spring.

  6. Eggs: Whether hard-boiled and dyed in a frivolous spring color or served warm and runny on your salad, eggs represent new life. So do weddings.

  7. Other Protein: This is the season of wild salmon and trout and lamb. If you're a fish or meat eater these might be good choices. If you're not, I'd do something fun with eggs! Or just stick with the green(ish) stuff up above!

The food should be great at every wedding. It doesn't need to be fancy, but it should be good! Spring is one season that you want to take advantage of the bounty because it fits so well with the bounty that love has introduced into your life!

Bottom Line?: Give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed wildly, against all odds! After all, you deserve it. Your relationship deserves it! And now I'd like to invite you to sign up to receive 2 free templates for creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams, the wedding vows of your heart and the marriage of a lifetime:

The Rev. Ann Keeler Evans - helping you move from "I do" to happily and healthily ever after!

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