Sunday 29 March 2009

Wedding Planning For Grooms

Choosing the flowers, picking out a cake and arranging the wedding photo albums need not be relegated to brides alone - grooms can also play a meaningful role in the wedding planning process. Still, not every man wants to get involved on a detailed level. Many grooms-to-be may find they prefer to handle the more logistical aspects of the big day, while their fiancee makes decisions on colors and favors. Arranging transportation is one area where men can take a lead role. This may include phoning the limousine, helping guests with their travel plans, and booking flights for the honeymoon. Similarly, a groom may want to research and secure accommodation for out-of-town guests.

Before proceeding to the altar, men may happy to be the ones who call the marriage license bureau and schedule an appointment, as well as determining if there are any other requirements - such as a blood test - that need to be taken care of. Of course, a groom is naturally concerned about looking their best in the wedding album, so it makes sense for him to be in charge of choosing attire for himself and the groomsmen - perhaps with the bride giving the final OK. Setting up fittings for everyone is part of this responsibility, as is returning rental tuxes on time.

After every groomsman has played his part and posed for the wedding photo albums, it is traditional to present them with a token of appreciation. Grooms should take their buddies' tastes and preferences into account to choose a suitable gift. Finally, men who are anticipating their big day should make sure they plan ahead for their toast, if they plan to give one. A thoughtful and eloquent sentiment expressed on this important day will create lasting memories to complement those captured in the wedding albums.

By Sarah Beldo

Sarah Beldo is a wedding album and party planning specialist writer for

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Destination Wedding Planning Tips

Getting married on a Caribbean beach or in a cute European village can be the perfect way to create lasting memories in the wedding photo albums. But where to start?

Cost is one aspect to consider during your planning. Luckily, many resorts and hotels cater to couples who want an all-inclusive package. These packages may include everything from catering and wedding album planning to arranging local transportation for guests. Make sure you shop around for the best deals that suit your needs. Some brides and grooms have found that destination nuptials cry out for the help of a wedding planner. These professionals may even work with a local on-site planner to help carry out your wishes efficiently.

Be prepared to make at least one visit (but probably more) to your chosen locale throughout the planning process. For example, you may need to sample food, talk to the photographer about the wedding albums and research activities for the weekend. While you're there, make sure you look into the laws governing the area where you plan to tie the knot. Foreign countries may have restrictions on what day you can marry or require you to obtain a license far in advance.

Keep in mind that if you marry in a far-off location, not everyone will be able to join you on your big day. Some couples tell guests not to buy gifts if they are attending a destination wedding to help defray costs. Meanwhile, others plan small from the get-go in order to keep their own costs under control. Finally, make sure to relax and try not to let the planning of your destination wedding take over your life. Just take a deep breath and focus on how beautiful your chosen locale will look as a backdrop in your wedding photo albums.

By Sarah Beldo

Sarah Beldo is a wedding album and party planning specialist writer for

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Kashmir Tour - Celebrate Your Honeymoon in Heaven

Honeymoon is one of the most sacred celebration of one's life as it signifies the marriage between two hearts. In fact it is the time when two hearts come closer to each other, making each other filled with joy. And Kashmir is the land where you can 'live your honeymoon in a paradise'. Enrich your honeymoon forever by celebrating it in this wondrous tourist destination of North India.

Start your new life in the blessed environment whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears. Rich in natural beauty, Kashmir offers a diverse range of holiday experiences. The snow-capped mountains, cool breeze, romantic lakes, blissful ambiance, colorful and vibrant gardens and beautiful valleys will leave you spell bound. So let yourself loose in the pristine beauty and enjoy your golden moments to the hilt.

Highlights Of Kashmir

Dal lake is one of the most enchanting place for honeymooners. Steeped in sheer beauty, the lake is also dotted with numerous houseboats where you can stay and enjoy the fell and charm of the arresting surroundings. Enjoy shikara rides on the lakes and get drunk on natural beauty.

Beautiful houseboats floating on water are available for offering a mesmerizing stay to tourists. They fall into various categories from luxurious to decent ones. Take your pick. Their interiors are decorated traditionally and all the modern facilities are provided for a comfortable stay.

Hill Stations
Surrounded by majestic Himalayas, the hill stations in Kashmir are really picturesque. Draped in immense natural beauty and peace, the hill stations also offer great opportunities for adventure sports. Exciting!

Hanna Rion has aptly said 'The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses'. Once can really restore the five senses by exploring the captivating gardens of Kashmir. A variety of flowers, beautiful trees , awesome fountains and fascinating views of the mountains, the gardens have so much to offer.

By Sanjog KR

Plan a Kashmir Tour for an 'out- of- the- world' honeymoon experience. Cloaked in celestial natural beauty, the destination has so much to offer to make your honeymoon memorable. Kashmir Honeymoon Package entails a variety of attractions.

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Personalized Wedding Candy Helps Make a Wedding Reception Fun and Memorable

Personalized wedding candy is a unique way to help make a wedding reception fun and memorable. Everyone loves candy, and when it is personalized for the wedding, it adds a special touch that is not soon forgotten. There are many options for personalized wedding candy from which to choose.

Candy coated chocolate pieces are a unique way to spice up a wedding reception. The level of customization is amazing. The most popular brand now has over 25 colors from which to choose, including new "shimmering" wedding colors. These can mixed and matched with some pieces having the names of the bride and groom, others with a photo of the happy couple, and others with special messages for the couple to share their joy with their guests. These can be designed right online and shipped in a special protective box in time for the wedding.

Personalized candy bars are another popular option. The wrapper is custom made for the wedding and can include the names and date and some designs can even include a photo. The nice thing about these is that the guests can eat the candy and still save the wrapper as a memento of the happy occasion.

Chocolate kisses can be personalized with a wedding themed sticker on each kiss that includes the names of the bride and groom and the date of the wedding. Mint books and lifesavers wrappers can be personalized the same way. Other options would include lollipops, miniature candy bars, and even custom molded chocolate.

By Dan Kohl

Personalized wedding candy is a fun addition to a wedding, No wedding should be without it. To see the options for personalized wedding candy and recommended merchants click here!

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What to Do With Excess Wedding and Unique Wedding Favors

You may find yourself having over bought the quantity of wedding party and unique favors due to guests rejecting the favors, no shows, and some guests forgetting to pick their gifts or wrong calculations and need dispose the extra tokens. In you can opt to keep them as memoirs of your big day. The gifts can be held on to and used for your future wedding commemorations. In the anniversaries you can give them to those newly found friends that were not there during the time of the wedding show them how you value them.

Start a tradition with your future linage is a bright idea where you pass on the favors to your children as tokens to mark the part of their origin. The sibling would then pass them done the line and leave them with their children to continue the chain. This would be the same way as how family treasures are passed on to new members of the family. In several years, the favors would become treasures and be very valued; this will also mark the beginning of a family tree that would be traceable to many years in the past. The later generations will get a peg to align to in their history; imagine possessing an item that was owned by your great- great parents over two hundred years ago.

Guests who genuinely missed the occasion due to some personal commitments such as sickness, work, studies, travel, funerals, and many other reasons could be rewarded with the extra remaining favors. Usually this can be done after the hassles of weddings are over. Despite the extra cost incurred by the bride and the groom, it is worthwhile for would be guests who receive them feel being part of the event spiritually. These people do matter to you but due to a number of reasons could not be present to witness the exchange of the vows hence must be appreciated.

If the sale contract allows you to return the extra favors to the supplier; this could be a better way to dispose them. Many suppliers insist on not accepting goods once sold unless faulty thus you must first check with the seller before buying. Some may choose to overlook the condition and accept the favors back at lowered price. Personalized tokens pose a danger for the names on the tokens must be removed before or after the goods are returned to the seller. This means that the value of the gifts is greatly lowered; no buyer would accept to buy favors with inscriptions of people unknown to them.

If the not accepted by the store, store you can decide selling them to pawn shops and second hand stores that will modify them and sell them. In some extreme case, where the guest were very pleased by the favors and wanted more you can offer the remaining the favors for sale to the willing guests. To integrated the guests with the ceremony you may decide to offer the remaining tokens to people who offer exceptional help during the ceremony as transporting gifts, assisting in arrangement, entertaining the guests, taking care of the children in the event and many other noble services. A significant amount of money is regained here, which is good and can be used to cover in some of the Budget deficits in your finances created by the wedding demands.

By Aaron Huu

If you are looking for Wedding Party Favors or Unique Wedding Favors, visit E-WeddingFavors who by far I have found has the best prices and the biggest selection of wedding party favors & unique wedding favors plus shipping is free.

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Wedding Planners Event Coordinator

Any event, wedding inclusive can be a day one would like to remember, but this can only be if it has been well planned and coordinated. Those who have wedded have said that their wedding day is the greatest day of their lives. Despite this, some of the minor things that may have been ignored can cause much havoc and dissatisfaction, some of which can be long-lived. One may not want to imagine what would happen if during the d-day, the photographer or the driver does not turn up. Another tragedy can be if another group had already booked the venue that had been planned for.

An event coordinator does the work of organizing and coordinating public or private events, appearances and events. This entails organizing participants, securing appropriate venues, notifying those who may attend and organizing them, acquiring the relevant tools, equipment and materials and finally to organize and delegate duties to those assisting him or her during the day of the event. On the other hand, the wedding planner also referred to as the wedding consultant is the mediator, the money manager and the facilitator.

There are several character traits that a planner should posses. Obviously, he or she should be patient and calm even when things seem to be going asunder. He also very importantly should be a good negotiator as he would be the one who does all the orders and the purchasing on behalf of the bride and the bridegroom such as buying the gown and the other attire, get the catering team, hire the venue, musicians, public address system, photographers and so on. This is because only the best is required but at the cheapest rate. He must also be somebody who can network meaning that he or she handles differently people and issues at the same time. A good wedding planner should also be one who has a sense for proper fashion, which includes the color, the flowers, the music and the clothing. It would be so embarrassing if there were no color coordination in the clothing or the flowers and the decorations. This means that they must take their time in studying on the topic from the magazines or the internet.

The event planners must be prepared to work for long hours especially just before and during the event which may include much traveling and moving up and down to make sure that the purpose of the meeting is achieved. Therefore, the first thing that the planners need to know is the nature and the purpose of the meeting. That would then motivate delegates or the audience. All the work ranging from bookings, reception, stationery issuing, vehicle parking, accommodation, decorations among others should be done focusing on that aim.

One of the companies that specialize on the Sasha Souza of the United States that offers services such as, destination weddings and the green They have a large team that can handle different events at the same time.

By Rafi Michael

Toronto Wedding Photography
Wedding Photography & Video Productions Toronto we specialize in individually tailored Wedding Photography, Videos and DVD's, offering an experienced, highly professional and affordable service. for more info visit:

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Choosing Music to Fit Your Style and Your Venue

Whether you are exchanging vows in a park with flowers in your hair or wearing the latest European fashions as you gather in a cavernous cathedral, the music you choose for your wedding ceremony should fit your style.

Mendelssohn's Wedding March is a phenomenal piece of music, but it's not for everyone. Don't be afraid to think outside of the box on your wedding day. You may just discover an idea that is much more meaningful and beautiful than going with the "standard" wedding marches and classical music.

How do you find the right music for your style? "The best advice I can give is to listen," says Aaron Mauldin of Aaron's DJ Services in Kern County, CA. "Write down an idea if something strikes you that you would like to incorporate into your wedding music. You might hear a song on the radio or at the end of a movie. You might hear the mellow notes of a harp, saxophone, or piano and know that this type of sound is what represents your feelings. Buy CDs and find music that means something to your soul," he says.

The type of music used in a wedding ceremony must also be a good fit for your venue. In churches, couples often have to stick close to an approved list of musical choices. A bride who has her heart set on walking down the aisle to the very popular Bridal Chorus by Wagner (also known as Here Comes the Bride) may be disappointed to find that the pastor or musical director will not allow those pieces to be used because of the negative connotations of its original setting (from the opera Lohengrin, to mock an ill-fated wedding). In fact, in 1971 the Roman Catholic Church and its Congregation for Divine Worship of the Sacraments issued a document forbidding the use of Bridal Chorus at weddings.

In secular venues or garden weddings, a couple can usually choose any type of music they'd like, though there may be some limitations if their chosen minister is affiliated with a particular church and set his or her own guidelines.

In any type of venue, wedding music can be further dictated by the amount of space and the availability of instruments. Some very old churches may only have a pipe organ, which might limit your processional choices to traditional organ pieces such as Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.

Alternatively, some newer churches may have only a piano, which could slightly diminish the grandeur of the bride's entrance. In these cases, couples may choose to bring in a string quartet or add instruments to play along with piano for a fuller sound. At outdoor weddings, instruments are often limited to ones that can be easily carried and don't need electricity.

Guitars, harps or string quartets are most often used at outdoor weddings, and can be exactly the right fit - a string quartet playing Spring from Vivaldi's Four Seasons at a beautiful May or June wedding when flowers are in full bloom can be breathtaking.

By Tim H O'Neill

Tim has been recording and performing professionally for over ten years. As part of The ONeill Brothers, he's sold nearly two million CDs. He started taking piano lessons at age five and began playing for weddings of family and friends as a teenager. Find popular wedding song selections and helpful planning tips at

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Get Dressed in Style For a Wedding

When the big day is looming, there are so many decisions to make and plenty of things you need to remember. However, more often than not one of the main things will be choosing what you are going to be wearing.

But if this is your wedding you are going to celebrate, you need to think about more than just your own outfit. If you are having bridesmaids and pageboys too, then you'll need to make sure that everyone looks their best and you have just the right outfits for the big day.

So where do you begin? There are two main things you need to think about before you start dreaming about your ideal dress. The first one is what you would ideally like to wear, and the second point concerns your budget. It is very unlikely that you would be able to successfully carry off an expensive wedding dress and cheap bridesmaids' dresses - you need the complete look to be cohesive and attractive.

A good place to start is with the colour of your outfit. This can prompt ideas for bridesmaids' dresses as well - you don't want them to clash, after all.

It is important that you carefully consider the type of dress you choose for your bridesmaids. You may think you have found the perfect dress, but if your bridesmaids aren't too impressed and refuse to wear it, you are going to have a big problem.

We've all had that experience of loving something when it is on the hanger and hating it when we actually try it on. And since you are very likely to have more than one bridesmaid, you need to be sure that whatever you go for looks stunning on each and every one.

The same applies for outfits for the younger members of your party. If you have decided to have pageboys, make sure their waistcoats complement the colour of your dress - if you can.

The main point to remember is to make sure that everything flows and goes together. You don't all have to wear outfits that are matching down to the last degree, as then you run the risk of everything looking a bit too over the top. But you should make sure that no one is clashing or out of place with anyone else.

Of course, wedding outfits can take some time to choose, but it is worth making sure you have plenty of time to devote to the big decisions. The big day will dawn soon enough, and the more time you have to get your outfits just right, the less of a panic the end result will be.

By Paul Mcindoe

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Chocolate Truffle Printable Wedding Invitations - A Rich, Lush Choice

For couples who love the deep, rich velvety smoothness of chocolate--consider Chocolate Truffle as your primary wedding invitation or accent color. Lush brown printable invites look absolutely gorgeous when accented with cream stationary and colored ribbons. Plus, with printable invitations you have the added benefit of saving 50% or more on the costs simply by printing and assembling them yourselves. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. How to find the ones you want on the internet: For the largest selection you need to use the internet. The key here is using the correct search engine terms. If you type in "Wedding Invitations" you will be presented with an enormous choice of websites most of whom do the printing for you. If you type in "Printable Wedding Invitations" or "DIY Invitations" you will access the websites that specialize in printing it yourself. To really pinpoint your search, you can also type in "Chocolate Truffle Printable Wedding Invitations" for an exact match. Visit a number of these sites to get a feel for the range of styles, types of paper, and colors you might want to use. Also, pay attention to what kind of embellishments they offer or recommend.

2. Choosing a style that suits your wedding: The next big decision you will need to make is what style of invites do you want. Do you want an open or closed style? Do you want layered or single panel? Do you want light or dark colors? Do you want embellished or simple? So for example, you could choose a closed style pocket folder in Chocolate Truffle, fastened with a colored ribbon and accented with cream stationary and rsvp cards. When you open it, the cream stationary card is the printed invite and the RSVP card is in the side pocket. Or you could choose an open style, layered invitation, with the backer card being the dark brown and the stationary card being cream and the two layers fastened together with an accent ribbon near the top. Choose a style that fits the "feel" you are trying to create.

3. Printing and Assembling: Take your time over the wording and font style for your invite. There are many downloadable examples available so try out a number of them until you get the type of wording that fits you as a couple and your unique circumstances. Also, make sure your printer can handle the thickness of the card stock you will be printing on. Most printable card stock is 80 lb weight, any less than that is too flimsy for invites. Once you are done printing, you are then ready to assemble and address. If you are having a large wedding, consider having a team of friends or family help you glue, assemble, and address with you. This is a wonderful opportunity for different friends and family members to get to know each other.

Choosing, creating, printing and assembling your own wedding invitations is an enjoyable way to have what you want at the price you can afford. And especially if you are choosing an unusual color, like Chocolate Truffle, creating your own invitations will allow you much more freedom in design and color choice than ready made will.

By Kathleen Ball

For stunning Chocolate Truffle Printable Wedding Invitations in a variety of designs, visit us at:
Free "Wedding Vow Workbook" with any purchase. Kathleen Ball is a marriage counselor and wedding officiant. This article may be freely distributed or reprinted in its entirety in any eZine, blog, newsletter or website. The author's name, bio, and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

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Planning Your Perfect Wedding - 7 Excellent Reasons to Have Your Perfect, Public Wedding Ceremony

The goal of a wedding ceremony is to produce a lifelong marriage. Your wedding ceremony can set up the work you will do throughout your shared lives as you create your successful union. It can, if designed right, muster the support and encouragement that will make marriage easier. It will serve as an eternal reminder to celebrate the love that brought you together and convinced you to embark on this fabulous, uncertain endeavor.

Eloping may seem simpler. But it can rob the couple of both sentiment and support that is so necessary when obstacles arise. Keeping the focus on the reason you're marrying - your great romance - will help you simplify your planning and celebrate what's important with the people who matter in your life. Here are some things to remember as you work to create a wedding ceremony that is about you and your great love:

  1. Ritual is "time outside of time" to focus on an important life transition. There is no multi-tasking during ritual, there is only an intense focus on this important movement from engaged to married. At the beginning of the ceremony, you are not married, at the end of the ceremony you are. You want to create a sacred time and place so that this important decision can be supported and celebrated. A good celebrant can help you here!

  2. A wedding ceremony is not only about creating a legal entity, but rather a lifelong union of your hearts and lives. Keep the focus on entwining your hearts and lives. Here's an odd truth: whether or not you spend the rest of your life with this person, there will be tendrils around your heart forever. The things you do together will shape and strengthen you. Do the work to get it right. Then, let your party flow from the ceremony. It will make it even more joyous! Why is your relationship worth a lifetime?

  3. A wedding ceremony is a time to take stock and look forward in your life. People just dash by this. This is one of the few opportunities you have in your life to say: "this is how I got here" to be followed by "this is where I want to go, and this is the person with whom I want to journey." When you create that ritual time to examine and celebrate, everyone stops to listen. Say the same things at dinner, people will be too busy concentrating on the next course to hear you. A public wedding ceremony is your opportunity to say to your entire community what is important to you and what you intend to do with the rest of your life.

  4. Your wedding vows, the centerpiece of your wedding ceremony, are the heart of your marriage. You can use the old tried and true vows or copy something that's floating around on the web. Or you can take into account who you are to one another, what you value in your relationship, what your strengths are and where you might want some support, and how you want to spend the rest of your life with your beloved. Go ahead and create wedding vows that you want to spend the rest of your life living into!

  5. The metaphors you create for your wedding ceremony can serve your lifelong marriage. Your wedding ceremony is an opportunity to create small ritual activities, ones that make sense in your life now and that you will want to carry on for the rest of your life. Create small rituals that you will repeat throughout your marriage. Repeating an action that occurred in a ritual moment will call back all of the emotions of that moment. What small action will remind you of when you said, "I'll love you forever" to your beloved?

  6. Marriages do better when supported by a community. Your community wants to celebrate your marriage. Your perfect relationship deserves to be celebrated. Make a space in your wedding ceremony for your community to promise their support and celebration of your marriage. Who do you want to be there to support you?

  7. A wedding as much about building your community as it is about creating your marriage. When else do you get to call together all the people you love in your life and introduce them to one another? The party can do a lot of that work, but the wedding ceremony is where you lay out the possibilities to the community you have gathered around you. What values are at the center of your community?

A simple 20-45 minute ceremony can do all these things! Five minutes isn't going to get you what you really need. Planning the wedding ceremony is fun and exciting because it is so intimately about you. Your wedding ceremony can yield a very high return on investment. The party will be fun. The marriage will be forever. Don't waste the opportunity to create a wedding ceremony that is worthy of your love and marriage.

By Ann Keeler Evans

Bottom Line?: Give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed wildly, against all odds! After all, you deserve it. Your relationship deserves it! And now I'd like to invite you to sign up to receive 2 free templates for creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams, the wedding vows of your heart and the marriage of a lifetime:

The Rev. Ann Keeler Evans - helping you move from "I do" to happily and healthily ever after!

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Planning Your Perfect Wedding - The Importance of Ritual in Your Perfect, Public Wedding Ceremony

The goal of a wedding ceremony is to produce a lifelong marriage. Your wedding ceremony can set up the work you will do throughout your shared lives as you create your successful union. It can, if designed right, muster the support and encouragement that will make marriage easier. It will serve as an eternal reminder to celebrate the love that brought you together and convinced you to embark on this fabulous, uncertain endeavor.

Eloping may seem simpler. But it can rob the couple of both sentiment and support that is so necessary when obstacles arise. Keeping the focus on the reason you're marrying - your great romance - will help you simplify your planning and celebrate what's important with the people who matter in your life. Here are some things to remember as you work to create a wedding ceremony that is about you and your great love:

Ritual is "time outside of time" to focus on an important life transition. There is no multi-tasking during ritual, there is only an intense focus on this important movement from engaged to married. At the beginning of the ceremony, you are not married, at the end of the ceremony you are. You want to create a sacred time and place so that this important decision can be supported and celebrated. A good celebrant can help you here, but you need to be clear that your wedding ceremony is a sacred time in which you and your partner will exchange promises that will change your lives forever.

What makes ritual sacred time (and NO, brushing your teeth isn't a ritual, it's an activity!)? It's a series of activities that take place when people are paying attention only to that thing. All other things in the world cease to exist in this moment. You enter in one form and exit changed forever (and this isn't just you, the community is transformed as well):

  • Call group together: ask your wedding guests to pay attention, "mawwidge is what brings us together today!"

  • Invoke spirit: If you're not God people, what thought or philosophy unites you?

  • Tell them what's going to happen (and why is always a good thing!) You are joining your lives because you are in love and because love makes such a gesture possible.

  • Do that thing. Exchange your promises, pledge your lives to one another.

  • Exchange symbols that explain to the world that your lives are altered. Do a Rng Ceremony.

  • Tell people what did happen.

  • Ask a blessing. (this can be either communal or religious)

  • Thank everyone.

  • Dismiss the group

Life is enriched by your attention to this very special time. The ceremony will be more beautiful and meaningful if you give it careful attention. And your marriage will be far stronger for taking this time very seriously indeed. So, are you ready to make your wedding ceremony a magical moment in time? How can you use this outline to make your ceremony an effective ritual moment?

By Ann Keeler Evans

Bottom Line?: Give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed wildly, against all odds! After all, you deserve it. Your relationship deserves it! And now I'd like to invite you to sign up to receive 2 free templates for creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams, the wedding vows of your heart and the marriage of a lifetime:

The Rev. Ann Keeler Evans - helping you move from "I do" to happily and healthily ever after!

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Friday 27 March 2009

How to Find Cheap Bridesmaid Dresses Without the Designer Cost

Weddings are an expensive occasion. We are all aware that, except for the brides dress, the next most expensive dress is the bridesmaids dress. Fortunately, now there are ways you can save some extra cash by purchasing cheap bridesmaid dresses and still being able to use it for other fun occasions.

You have to remember that the wedding day is the day for the bride and groom. The last thing you want is stealing the show away from your best friend who is the bride by wearing an "over the top" dress. It's important to look nice and classy at a wedding but do remember more money does not always mean more quality. The bride should me the center of attention not the bridesmaid.

There are thousands of cheap bridesmaid dresses that can be found which look identical to expensive designer one's as well. They come in all various colours, sizes and designs to meet every individual's needs and wants. Their quality is the same if not better; however the only difference may be the label. Ask your self, how many people are going to come and read your label during someone else's wedding.

Do keep in mind that attention will be focused at the bride and groom, not the bridesmaid. Many ask whether cheaper bridesmaid dresses means cheaper quality. Well in truth that is not the case. The only reason some bridesmaid dressers are cheaper than others is due to the material used to make them. Some designers find a better deal on material than others and in some cases some even use recycled material which in result also helps the environment.

There are many places one can find cheap bridesmaid dresses. They include small shops and over the internet. The internet gives you a wider scale to choose from in comparison to a shop in the mall or a boutique.

By Abby Wilshire

For more free tips and ideas for finding a cheap bridesmaid dress or to find a great looking used bridesmaids dress visit our discount online bridal store at

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Go Green With Eco-Friendly Wedding Favors

Being "Eco-Friendly" or even just "Eco-Conscious" is not just the latest trend; it's the right thing to do! When you are planning your wedding there are many things you can do to make your big day Green.

I love outdoor ceremonies. Now maybe this is because I live in the Colorado Mountains, but there is just something about outdoor ceremonies that I enjoy. By not using the AC and other electricity needed to fuel an indoor event you are being more green by just going outside. Of course there is always the possibility of plan a back up just in case.

As your ceremony begins let your flower girl toss Plantable Confetti Flowers instead of typically silk flower petals. When thrown outside the paper confetti will grow wildflowers!! (Be sure to get approval from your venue before tossing them).

After the "kiss" your guests can get the party started with Biodegradable, Celebratory Wedding Poppers. They are a great alternative to throwing Rice at weddings!

Be sure to use decorations that can be reused. I attended a recent wedding reception that used gorgeous potted flowers as centerpieces. One person from each table got to take one home. That guest was able to "reuse" the centerpieces and it created less waste at the end of the event.

Eco-Friendly Favors are easy to find. Plantable Flower Seed Wedding Favors are a wonderful favor for your guests. Not only are they just adorable, many can be personalized and each guest can take them home and plant the seeded paper. The seeded paper will grow wildflowers and give your guests a constant reminder of your special day.

Natural Bamboo Eco-Friendly Coasters are another great eco-friendly favor idea. Bamboo is a symbol of luck and success because of its strength, resilience and ability to grow quickly. It is said that bamboo is luckiest when you receive it as a gift, which makes these beautiful. Direct your guests to their seats with Eco-Friendly Bamboo Place Card Holder with Matching Place Cards

After the big day thank your guests with Plantable Thank Your Notes. They will appreciate your gratitude and enjoy the flowers that grow from the seeded paper.

When trying to go green for your wedding remember that there are many easy ways to incorporate Eco-Friendly themes through out your wedding. Just look at each part of your planning and can I simplify this? Can this be re-used, is it really a practical favor for my guests. You'll find planning a eco-friendly wedding isn't so hard after all!

By Kara English

Kara is the owner of Candles & Such and offers a wide variety of unique, creative and affordable favors and gifts for your special occasion. Whether it's for your wedding, a rehearsal dinner, an anniversary party, bridal shower or just a special gift for your bridesmaid, matron of honor or groomsmen, has that special favor that you are looking for.

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Chocolate Truffle Printable Wedding Invitations - A Rich, Lush Choice

For couples who love the deep, rich velvety smoothness of chocolate--consider Chocolate Truffle as your primary wedding invitation or accent color. Lush brown printable invites look absolutely gorgeous when accented with cream stationary and colored ribbons. Plus, with printable invitations you have the added benefit of saving 50% or more on the costs simply by printing and assembling them yourselves. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. How to find the ones you want on the internet: For the largest selection you need to use the internet. The key here is using the correct search engine terms. If you type in "Wedding Invitations" you will be presented with an enormous choice of websites most of whom do the printing for you. If you type in "Printable Wedding Invitations" or "DIY Invitations" you will access the websites that specialize in printing it yourself. To really pinpoint your search, you can also type in "Chocolate Truffle Printable Wedding Invitations" for an exact match. Visit a number of these sites to get a feel for the range of styles, types of paper, and colors you might want to use. Also, pay attention to what kind of embellishments they offer or recommend.

2. Choosing a style that suits your wedding: The next big decision you will need to make is what style of invites do you want. Do you want an open or closed style? Do you want layered or single panel? Do you want light or dark colors? Do you want embellished or simple? So for example, you could choose a closed style pocket folder in Chocolate Truffle, fastened with a colored ribbon and accented with cream stationary and rsvp cards. When you open it, the cream stationary card is the printed invite and the RSVP card is in the side pocket. Or you could choose an open style, layered invitation, with the backer card being the dark brown and the stationary card being cream and the two layers fastened together with an accent ribbon near the top. Choose a style that fits the "feel" you are trying to create.

3. Printing and Assembling: Take your time over the wording and font style for your invite. There are many downloadable examples available so try out a number of them until you get the type of wording that fits you as a couple and your unique circumstances. Also, make sure your printer can handle the thickness of the card stock you will be printing on. Most printable card stock is 80 lb weight, any less than that is too flimsy for invites. Once you are done printing, you are then ready to assemble and address. If you are having a large wedding, consider having a team of friends or family help you glue, assemble, and address with you. This is a wonderful opportunity for different friends and family members to get to know each other.

Choosing, creating, printing and assembling your own wedding invitations is an enjoyable way to have what you want at the price you can afford. And especially if you are choosing an unusual color, like Chocolate Truffle, creating your own invitations will allow you much more freedom in design and color choice than ready made will.

By Kathleen Ball

For stunning Chocolate Truffle Printable Wedding Invitations in a variety of designs, visit us at:
Free "Wedding Vow Workbook" with any purchase. Kathleen Ball is a marriage counselor and wedding officiant. This article may be freely distributed or reprinted in its entirety in any eZine, blog, newsletter or website. The author's name, bio, and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

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Crazy About Billiards? Make it a Metaphor at Your Perfect Wedding Ceremony and Reception

Weddings are serious business. You're committing to spend the rest of your life together. As long as you keep that in mind as you plan your wedding, there's no reason you can't have a little fun while you're accomplishing that goal - and build some great community support and enjoyment while you're doing it.

I admit. Don't play pool. But I love metaphors and billiards is a game that is rich with metaphor. At all weddings, you want to be sure that your entire community is included and entertained, but there are plenty of ways to manage this if you think carefully.

So, if this is something that speaks to you, why not consider these ideas for including billiards in your wedding. You notice that I didn't say theme. The theme of your wedding is the commitment you offer in your wedding vows and your marriage.

  • Wedding Ceremony: Pool is a complex game. It's a game that includes strategy, dexterity and luck. The combination of the three of these makes a great metaphor for what makes a marriage work. It was luck that you met. What you do with it is what matters.

  • Wedding Vows: Be very careful here. You don't want to get cutsie. Your vows should not be based on a game that could end. You might want to include the metaphors, but the game should not be part of this. Life isn't always going to be about pool. But a good marriage will always take planning and dexterity to capitalize on the luck!

  • Venue: Go ahead, have it at a pool hall or a billiards club. If it's one of those that always smells like stale beer, you might make part of your contract having it cleaned, or lower the price so you can do that. You're going to want some space for people who don't want to play pool to enjoy themselves. And you might need some lighting.

  • Activities: Build some community here. Teach some lessons. Let the bridesmaids play the groomsmen (and get them working beforehand so that they can beat them handily!) Let the aunts on both sides play the uncles on both sides. (Take the kids off and hire someone to teach them to play - on their own table!) Set up a round robin (you can make the games short)

  • Traditions: Skip the first dance and play a match. Let people "bet" quarters on the outcome and send that money off to a favorite charity. Let them have a wedding shot with the bride or groom. Again, rather than an apron dance, collect the $1s for charity.

Don't over do this. Serve good food. Have good music. Make sure people can hear. Mingle with your crowd, don't stay on the tables. You can play pool on your honeymoon! But doing something you love as part of your wedding will help keep it alive as part of your marriage. Couples who have things they love to do together, do better. Couples whose community enjoys spending time with them do better. And couples who plan fun things at their wedding have a great time at their wedding. That sounds pretty, great, eh?

By Ann Keeler Evans

Bottom Line?: Give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed wildly, against all odds! After all, you deserve it. Your relationship deserves it! And now I'd like to invite you to sign up to receive 2 free templates for creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams, the wedding vows of your heart and the marriage of a lifetime:

The Rev. Ann Keeler Evans - helping you move from "I do" to happily and healthily ever after!

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Monday 16 February 2009

Your Very Own Wedding - Preparing For Your Big Day

If you ask most Women what the biggest and most important day in her adult life has been, chances are, very close to the top of that list would be her Wedding day. A wedding day is truly every woman's dream day where she is able to look like a Princess, be treated like a Queen, and be joined in Holy Matrimony with her Prince Charming, center stage, in front of all of her loved ones. The amount of planning, time, and money that goes into creating such a celebratory situation can sometimes be overwhelming and over the top - when one is planning her day as a Princess, perfection is crucial! So naturally, aside from decorations and catering, every Woman will want to look her absolute best for her Wedding Day!

From Dress sizing to Makeup, looking her best for her Wedding and Engagement photos is going to be a prime concern for every Woman. Being able to bring those gorgeous Wedding photos out later in life and re-live that enchanting day down to the very last detail may mean everything to her someday! In all honesty, no Woman wants to look back on her Wedding photos and regret that she had more than the standard one chin, and batwings (the oh so charming jiggly bit of flesh under one's arms). Oh, the horror! Hair and makeup can be blamed on the era, but one's weight and physique, unfortunately, cannot.

A solution to quelling and curbing those pre Wedding jiggles and jitters is to make changes now, so that you're at your best for the big day. To start, modifying one's diet to include healthy portions of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and vegetables is paramount. The more colorful your plate is - with natural, not artificial colors! - is a good way to keep track of the nutrients that you're consuming. Vegetables should be in ½ to 1 cup servings, three times a day. At least half of your grains should be unprocessed and whole. Servings of lean meat should be around 2 oz, which is about the size of a deck of cards. Certainly a big change from that Big Mac, huh?! Unless you're currently on a 100% fast food diet, it's generally recommended to make these Wedding Diet changes gradually (modifying portions, introducing new foods - occasionally entire new food groupls!), to avoid stomach upsets. A good rule of thumb is to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, 1/4 of your plate whole grains and the remaining 1/4 lean protein.

In combination with modifying your Diet (and the one that will produce the most results in conjunction with eating healthily), is to begin a exercising regularly. Finding a personal trainer is a great way to do this - not only do you have the extra accountability of having the trainer there to coach you, but it's a great way to know that the exercises you're doing are correct and more of a benefit for your body!

By Zach Hunt

Zach Hunt is a Spokane's preparing for your wedding day expert personal trainer and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go here: Personal Trainer Spokane for more fitness tips.

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Your Wedding Program and Guest Book Show Your Style

Your wedding program can certainly help convey so much about you and your wedding day. Here are some ideas to help make your guest book fun and add to your wedding style. Couples will often include a photo of themselves on the cover, but that is just the beginning.

The wedding program is a wonderful place to let your guests know the names of the beautiful songs that you have chosen. It is also a place to share the meanings behind the rituals that will be taking place.

We have seen many mothers begin to cry when they read the beautiful words that the bride and groom have written in the program about them. It is also a place to honor all of the attendants, children, readers and officiates that participate in the ceremony. You can even include a special message to your guests for their attendance on your special day.

Some couples have included quotes from literature or a poem that is special to them. We have even seen lovely handkerchiefs included inside of the program for those teary moments that are sure to occur.

The back of the program is the perfect place to provide your new home address and contact information. That way your loved ones will be able to stay in touch in the future. You can also include here the website that your photographer will use to post your wedding photos so that all of your guests will be able to see your wedding pictures.

You can have them printed or make them yourself with software and pretty paper, but what ever you choose, makes it your style.

Guest books can also define your wedding style. If yours is a destination wedding, you might want to consider a beautiful coffee table picture book of the location of the wedding having guests simply find a page that they would like to leave their sentiments. Or you could choose a book that reflects a special place to you both. This could be from a place where you met, a place you will visit on your honeymoon or even a place that you both dream about visiting. But rest assured as time goes by, this book will take on more meaning that just a guest book.

Another great idea is to create your own picture book. Put some one in charge of taking Polaroid photos of guests, fixing them into a blank album and letting the guests leave their well wishes next to their photographs. We have seen the same concept done with all of the components for this placed in a beautiful basket and passed from table to table allowing guests to take the photos of each other. That was a lot of fun and very special for the bride and groom.

A very unique idea for the wine loving couple is to select a magnum size bottle of the wine or champagne that you will be serving at your wedding as the guest book. You will want to provide either a gold or silver fluid marker that dries on the bottle. A magnum size bottle will provide ample space for all to sign.

So there are just a few ideas to help you create unique touches to your wedding and to help you make your wedding elegant.

Your wedding program can certainly help convey so much about you and your wedding day. Here are some ideas to help make your guest book fun and add to your wedding style. Couples will often include a photo of themselves on the cover, but that is just the beginning.

The wedding program is a wonderful place to let your guests know the names of the beautiful songs that you have chosen. It is also a place to share the meanings behind the rituals that will be taking place.

We have seen many mothers begin to cry when they read the beautiful words that the bride and groom have written in the program about them. It is also a place to honor all of the attendants, children, readers and officiates that participate in the ceremony. You can even include a special message to your guests for their attendance on your special day.

Some couples have included quotes from literature or a poem that is special to them. We have even seen lovely handkerchiefs included inside of the program for those teary moments that are sure to occur.

The back of the program is the perfect place to provide your new home address and contact information. That way your loved ones will be able to stay in touch in the future. You can also include here the website that your photographer will use to post your wedding photos so that all of your guests will be able to see your wedding pictures.

You can have them printed or make them yourself with software and pretty paper, but what ever you choose, makes it your style.

Guest books can also define your wedding style. If yours is a destination wedding, you might want to consider a beautiful coffee table picture book of the location of the wedding having guests simply find a page that they would like to leave their sentiments. Or you could choose a book that reflects a special place to you both. This could be from a place where you met, a place you will visit on your honeymoon or even a place that you both dream about visiting. But rest assured as time goes by, this book will take on more meaning that just a guest book.

Another great idea is to create your own picture book. Put some one in charge of taking Polaroid photos of guests, fixing them into a blank album and letting the guests leave their well wishes next to their photographs. We have seen the same concept done with all of the components for this placed in a beautiful basket and passed from table to table allowing guests to take the photos of each other. That was a lot of fun and very special for the bride and groom.

A very unique idea for the wine loving couple is to select a magnum size bottle of the wine or champagne that you will be serving at your wedding as the guest book. You will want to provide either a gold or silver fluid marker that dries on the bottle. A magnum size bottle will provide ample space for all to sign.

So there are just a few ideas to help you create unique touches to your wedding and to help you make your wedding elegant.

Your wedding program can certainly help convey so much about you and your wedding day. Here are some ideas to help make your guest book fun and add to your wedding style. Couples will often include a photo of themselves on the cover, but that is just the beginning.

The wedding program is a wonderful place to let your guests know the names of the beautiful songs that you have chosen. It is also a place to share the meanings behind the rituals that will be taking place.

We have seen many mothers begin to cry when they read the beautiful words that the bride and groom have written in the program about them. It is also a place to honor all of the attendants, children, readers and officiates that participate in the ceremony. You can even include a special message to your guests for their attendance on your special day.

Some couples have included quotes from literature or a poem that is special to them. We have even seen lovely handkerchiefs included inside of the program for those teary moments that are sure to occur.

The back of the program is the perfect place to provide your new home address and contact information. That way your loved ones will be able to stay in touch in the future. You can also include here the website that your photographer will use to post your wedding photos so that all of your guests will be able to see your wedding pictures.

You can have them printed or make them yourself with software and pretty paper, but what ever you choose, makes it your style.

Guest books can also define your wedding style. If yours is a destination wedding, you might want to consider a beautiful coffee table picture book of the location of the wedding having guests simply find a page that they would like to leave their sentiments. Or you could choose a book that reflects a special place to you both. This could be from a place where you met, a place you will visit on your honeymoon or even a place that you both dream about visiting. But rest assured as time goes by, this book will take on more meaning that just a guest book.

Another great idea is to create your own picture book. Put some one in charge of taking Polaroid photos of guests, fixing them into a blank album and letting the guests leave their well wishes next to their photographs. We have seen the same concept done with all of the components for this placed in a beautiful basket and passed from table to table allowing guests to take the photos of each other. That was a lot of fun and very special for the bride and groom.

A very unique idea for the wine loving couple is to select a magnum size bottle of the wine or champagne that you will be serving at your wedding as the guest book. You will want to provide either a gold or silver fluid marker that dries on the bottle. A magnum size bottle will provide ample space for all to sign.

So there are just a few ideas to help you create unique touches to your wedding and to help you make your wedding elegant.

Your wedding program can certainly help convey so much about you and your wedding day. Here are some ideas to help make your guest book fun and add to your wedding style. Couples will often include a photo of themselves on the cover, but that is just the beginning.

The wedding program is a wonderful place to let your guests know the names of the beautiful songs that you have chosen. It is also a place to share the meanings behind the rituals that will be taking place.

We have seen many mothers begin to cry when they read the beautiful words that the bride and groom have written in the program about them. It is also a place to honor all of the attendants, children, readers and officiates that participate in the ceremony. You can even include a special message to your guests for their attendance on your special day.

Some couples have included quotes from literature or a poem that is special to them. We have even seen lovely handkerchiefs included inside of the program for those teary moments that are sure to occur.

The back of the program is the perfect place to provide your new home address and contact information. That way your loved ones will be able to stay in touch in the future. You can also include here the website that your photographer will use to post your wedding photos so that all of your guests will be able to see your wedding pictures.

You can have them printed or make them yourself with software and pretty paper, but what ever you choose, makes it your style.

Guest books can also define your wedding style. If yours is a destination wedding, you might want to consider a beautiful coffee table picture book of the location of the wedding having guests simply find a page that they would like to leave their sentiments. Or you could choose a book that reflects a special place to you both. This could be from a place where you met, a place you will visit on your honeymoon or even a place that you both dream about visiting. But rest assured as time goes by, this book will take on more meaning that just a guest book.

Another great idea is to create your own picture book. Put some one in charge of taking Polaroid photos of guests, fixing them into a blank album and letting the guests leave their well wishes next to their photographs. We have seen the same concept done with all of the components for this placed in a beautiful basket and passed from table to table allowing guests to take the photos of each other. That was a lot of fun and very special for the bride and groom.

A very unique idea for the wine loving couple is to select a magnum size bottle of the wine or champagne that you will be serving at your wedding as the guest book. You will want to provide either a gold or silver fluid marker that dries on the bottle. A magnum size bottle will provide ample space for all to sign.

So there are just a few ideas to help you create unique touches to your wedding and to help you make your wedding elegant.

Your wedding program can certainly help convey so much about you and your wedding day. Here are some ideas to help make your guest book fun and add to your wedding style. Couples will often include a photo of themselves on the cover, but that is just the beginning.

The wedding program is a wonderful place to let your guests know the names of the beautiful songs that you have chosen. It is also a place to share the meanings behind the rituals that will be taking place.

We have seen many mothers begin to cry when they read the beautiful words that the bride and groom have written in the program about them. It is also a place to honor all of the attendants, children, readers and officiates that participate in the ceremony. You can even include a special message to your guests for their attendance on your special day.

Some couples have included quotes from literature or a poem that is special to them. We have even seen lovely handkerchiefs included inside of the program for those teary moments that are sure to occur.

The back of the program is the perfect place to provide your new home address and contact information. That way your loved ones will be able to stay in touch in the future. You can also include here the website that your photographer will use to post your wedding photos so that all of your guests will be able to see your wedding pictures.

You can have them printed or make them yourself with software and pretty paper, but what ever you choose, makes it your style.

Guest books can also define your wedding style. If yours is a destination wedding, you might want to consider a beautiful coffee table picture book of the location of the wedding having guests simply find a page that they would like to leave their sentiments. Or you could choose a book that reflects a special place to you both. This could be from a place where you met, a place you will visit on your honeymoon or even a place that you both dream about visiting. But rest assured as time goes by, this book will take on more meaning that just a guest book.

Another great idea is to create your own picture book. Put some one in charge of taking Polaroid photos of guests, fixing them into a blank album and letting the guests leave their well wishes next to their photographs. We have seen the same concept done with all of the components for this placed in a beautiful basket and passed from table to table allowing guests to take the photos of each other. That was a lot of fun and very special for the bride and groom.

A very unique idea for the wine loving couple is to select a magnum size bottle of the wine or champagne that you will be serving at your wedding as the guest book. You will want to provide either a gold or silver fluid marker that dries on the bottle. A magnum size bottle will provide ample space for all to sign.

So there are just a few ideas to help you create unique touches to your wedding and to help you make your wedding elegant.

By Robin R. Buckley

Robin Buckley is a nationally known wedding photographer who has photographed hundreds of weddings and whose work has been published in countless wedding magazines. Now she offers a social networking site for brides. is a place where brides-to-be can make a space and communicate with other people planning their wedding. The site offers easy wedding shopping with the best prices on the internet.

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Selecting and Buying Your Wedding Cake

One of the most crucial and important parts of planning one's wedding is finding the best wedding cake. If your idea of a wedding is pleasing your guests, as well as yourselves, then a wonderful cake is one of the aspects of a wedding that guests remember.

Finding the perfect wedding cake is a task that should be given adequate time and attention. There are many cake decorators available in the industry which offer a variety of offerings that anyone can choose from. Buyers can go directly to their shops and browse through their catalogs to find the one that they want. If the catalog does not contain a preferred choice, you can even ask for a personalized one with their own design and preferences.

In order to get the best value though, you must first know your budget limitation or how much of the wedding expenses are allotted to the cake itself. The budget would determine what kind can be available for you to choose from. Prices vary depending on their ingredients particularly what kind of base it would be decided upon. The icing also varies from one to another.

Knowing this information before consulting providers would save an individual a good amount of time and money as well. With these preferences ready, wedding cake decorators would already have an idea which to offer an individual client. However, this does not mean that what a buyer wants would always be the final product. Buyers should be open with suggestions from the makers and decorators since they know the issues better than anyone else! They would be in the right position to determine whether what a buyer wants is feasible, practical and pleasing.

By Dr. Mark Clayson

Mark Clayson is a professional, home business entrepreneur, mentor and speaker. Visit Start Work at Home for more information on starting or developing a home business or his official site to find out more.

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Unique Wedding Color Combinations

Most weddings are still designed around the classic colors, such as white, ivory, and pink. If you are looking to create a more lively and unique wedding, then using less traditional colors is a great way to do it. When you choose bold and interesting colors and pair them in unique combinations, you are sure to have a wedding that is fresh and memorable.

When you are choosing your wedding color palette, the inspiration can come from almost anywhere. Perhaps you have always loved the bright and bold effect of an offbeat flower combination, such as orange lilies with purple lisyanthus. Or maybe you had planned to go with a muted color palette, but fell in love with a bridesmaid dress in a sassy color. However you come to it, if you opt for a lively and fun color combination, it will add a lot of character to your wedding design.

One pairing to consider is straight from the fashion world: aqua blue with bright scarlet accents. The aqua is a fun and festive color, and the red will really pop as a detail color. One of the best ways to use this color combination is by featuring a print that has an aqua background with a red design, such as a bold geometric. This color pairing can also work very well for a seaside wedding: think blue ocean and red coral.

Another interesting wedding color palette is tangerine and celadon green. These two colors are more matched in intensity than the aqua/red palette, but they are still a great contrast. The yellow undertones in the celedon green and the tangerine help to make these colors compatible. They will make a strong statement, but they do not clash.

Other brides prefer to mix a strong color with a neutral. This is a great way to allow one color to be the focal point, but to keep it from being overwhelming. When your guests reflect back on your wedding, you want their first thought to be how beautiful everything was, not how loud the color was! When mixing a neutral and a bright, be creative. Sure you could combine your main color with something safe like white or ivory, but that is not going to be so interesting. A much fresher and updated approach is to mix a bright color like lime with a neutral such as brown. Another fun and funky pairing to check out is yellow and gray.

Once you have decided on a color combination for your wedding, all you have to do is decide how best to use it. One of the most natural places to use colors together is in the floral arrangements. You can mix and match the colors in your bouquets, centerpieces, and other floral displays. To keep the look pure, use only the two colors that you are featuring; don't dilute their intensity by mixing in a rainbow of differently colored blooms. Of course, not every color is available in flowers (like the aqua), so you can also do a single colored centerpiece and then use your second color for the centerpiece vases or the ribbons on the bouquets.

Your bridesmaid ensembles are another terrific place to showcase your wedding palette. It is very easy to either find a dress that uses your two colors, or to add a dash of color to a solid dress. For instance, if your bridesmaids are wearing yellow dresses, you can give them gray pearl bridesmaid jewelry to wear. Add a gray sash at the waist, and you will be good to go. If your color palette is aqua and red, why not dress your attendants in beautiful aqua dresses, and then give them gifts of custom bridesmaid jewelry featuring aqua and scarlet Swarovksi crystals - fabulous!

Your wedding is your chance to express yourself. And while it can be tempting to do something neutral and safe, you can really add so much to your wedding by being more bold with your color choices. An unusual and unique color palette is a great way to make your wedding one-of-a-kind.

By Guy Antonelli

Guy has been writing about society and weddings for a long time. If you have a topic you would like to know about. Let us know at Bridesmaid jewelry makes a thoughtful gift from the bride.

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Wedding Speeches - The Groom's Speech

You look across the room at the sea of smiling expectant faces, you turn to your new bride, she is glowing, the gathered guests are tapping their wine glasses, the ringing noise gets louder and louder, your knees feel weak as you start to stand, you assume a confident look on your face, a look that belies your nerves underneath "I hope this goes well" you think to yourself as you prepare to deliver the Grooms speech.

Making any speech, let alone the Grooms speech on a wedding day is always a nerve wracking experience. As the groom it is your duty to provide the show stopping speech of the evening. The Grooms speech is without doubt the most important of the wedding day. There are people to thank, absent friends and family to include, a thank you to the caterers and above all a thank you to your bride for saying yes!.

The Grooms speech is never easy, you want to convey just how much you love your new wife and how happy you are to be a part of her new family, you want to add a dash of humor and give an image of confidence and strength. Here are a few quick tips to help you deliver your Grooms speech -

  • Don't drink excessively before the speech, the last thing you want is to slur your way through your Grooms speech in front of your new in laws.

  • Take your time, rushing a speech just makes it hard to hear what you are saying and actually keeps you in a nervous tempo, as much as you want to get it over with, slowing down your speech will help you relax and convey confidence.

  • Don't over do the nudge, nudge, wink, wink stuff, plenty of time for that later!

  • Write your speech out on place cards and number them, this makes it much easier to avoid loosing your place.

  • If you cant think of what to write get a professional wedding speech writing guide, there are many available on the internet

Above all enjoy your day, this is your day to, don't be consumed with thoughts and rehearsing in the hours leading up to your Grooms speech.

As I noted above if you have any fear or anxiety about what to write in your Grooms speech there are many good wedding speech guides you can get instantly on the internet, its never to late even if it is the night before. These guides show you how to use the professionally written and proven speeches with in how to form your own memorable speech. you can read more about them here Wedding Speeches - The Grooms Speech.

By Gloria Bond

Gloria Bond is a wedding planner and holds speech writing seminars to help people create the perfect speech for all occasions and overcome the fear of public speaking. Gloria is the editor of Ceremony Speech - Wedding Speech Guides

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Give a Funny Wedding Speech

If you are trying to find as to how to give a very funny wedding speech, here are the ways that can help you go about this idea.

If you are a public speaker then you cannot become nervous when it comes to a wedding speech that would be funny. If you are not into public speaking, just don't worry. Wedding is just a get together where you can take the speech informally and funny. Go through the tips below and make your wedding speech funny with ease

  • Bring in practical humor related to marriage

Try to add humor notes into your speech. Let the funny notes be from practical real instances of married life. Let the narration be short but sweet and memorable. You have to make the audience laugh and laugh out loud.

  • Thank your parents, in-laws and bridesmaids

A funny wedding speech should not just be funny only. Parents and in-laws have worked hard to make it a success. So thank them. Then thank your in-laws for having raised such a beautiful and responsible woman/ handsome and responsible man with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life.

Thank the bridesmaids for having made this show a grand success.

  • Thank your friends

Friends would have come to the assistance of the bride and the groom. So don't forget to thank them.

  • Recollect the funny incidents that was a part and parcel of the preparation

Some instances during the marriage would have been real fun. Recollect them and share with the gathering and make them laugh out loud.

  • Add a few anecdotes that can make your speech funny

Marriage is where a woman and man become one. The problem starts when they try to fin which one. This is one anecdote that can induce a sense of euphoria among the gathering. Add such anecdotes in your speech and make sure that the gathering enjoys what you say.

By Jennifer Blais

If you are struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner, then you need to sign up at our newsletter by clicking this link - For those who are looking for a sound professional advice on saving their marriage, click Bride Speech

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2009's Boldest, Most Beautiful Wedding Gown Trends

Finally! 2009's gowns bring brides some real choices, after several years of strapless uniformity. (Thank you, Vera Wang!) If you're the type of bride who wants a couture (or couture-inspired) gown to match the finer shades of your personality and wedding style, 2009 is the year with your name on it! Here are a few of the hottest trends going:

Crumb-Catcher Bodices.

This regal, old-world design twist came from that same lust for luxe that brought us Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette, and its subsequent style explosion in the bridal world.

Greek Goddess Columns.

The ultimate look backward, the style takes us back to the lovely goddesses (and early supermodels) of Greece's Golden Age. With plenty of glorious examples to be seen from bridal magazines to the red carpet, this style's not going away soon. Happily, it lends itself to arm bling and the half up-half down style that's still so alluring to brides. Also note: bridesmaids look amazing in goddess gowns when the bride's wearing something more structured.

Asymmetrical / One-Shouldered Styles.

These gowns are sexy attention-getters. Another hot commodity on the red carpet, the asymmetrical top adds up to an exciting departure from same-old strapless, while exuding plenty of come-hither vibes.

Subued Color Plays.

Color's no longer the domain of a bold -- or even distracting -- burst of contrast in the train or cuffed bodice of an otherwise stark-white gown. Instead, next year's color inspiration flows from Vera Wang's gowns in warm toasts and charcoals, St. Pucchi's fabulous champagne and platinum combos, or gowns that ripple with multicolored gardens of embroidery (Claire Pettibone).

The Mini.

No longer the oddball in an otherwise full-length portfolio, minis have become serious business, with layers and ruches and ruffles aplenty. Increasing number of brides find them a brilliant choice for tent weddings on the shore or in the vineyard. And let's not forget those brides who want a gorgeous but mobile second gown to get down and boogie the night away.

By Blake Kritzberg

For more 2009 wedding trends and expert help in planning a hot wedding, see Favor Ideas. Don't miss our personalized wedding favors and elegant wine stopper favors.

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Planning Your Perfect Wedding - 5 Metaphors of Spring to Enhance Your Perfect Spring Wedding

Spring is a season rich with metaphor. There is no reason not to capture that metaphor for your wedding. Here's the thing. If you use metaphor at your wedding, those images will remain your whole life as reminders of the richness of your love. Exploring those images with and before your community also plant them in your mind. So every time they eat those foods or see those flowers sprout or do that ritual activity they will remember your wedding. That makes a marriage prosper.

Here are some of the richest metaphors to explore during Spring:

  1. Rebirth: Your wedding moves you from being a single person to a person committed to another. Yes you've been with your partner for a while, perhaps even lived together, but now, with your wedding vows, you are committing to sharing your life with your beloved. There is rebirth in that. And every year that rebirth spirals a bit deeper. It's not that you're not still an individual, but you are a committed individual. Only love has the power to move us, time and again, to be called back to life by love. Illustrate this: Give everyone a potted plant with a bulb just slightly sprouted as a favor. That bulb can be planted and will grow again.

  2. Fertility: If you're hoping to have babies, this metaphor is a pretty obvious one. Spring is the time of the birds and bees after all. But Fertility is also about the richness of creativity and life. We are more fertile in relationship. This is particularly true in intimate relationships. Celebrate this: Give people a decorated egg (preferably blown!) as a favor. (It will need a good box to get it home, too, so it doesn't get crushed in the packing!

  3. Life-giving: There's new life everywhere during the spring. Love gives us a new lease, a new chance and a new beginning! It's amazing! Celebrate this: with a Kiss of Love! Practice, it's good for you!

  4. Thawing: For many of us, the love our beloveds offer bring us back to life. It's a rare person who gets to marriage these days without some major disappointment. And then when we meet the right person, our hearts melt. (did you know that kisses could soften your cells? Whew!) Illustrate this: Use a melting Ice Sculpture in a fountain.

  5. Abundance of Joy: Everywhere you look life is laughing. Birds and creeks are singing, trees are leafing, animals are snuffling around in the soil. There are more baby bunnies than you thought possible. Life is reminding you how good it is to be alive. Illustrate this: let your first dance be something Joyous: dance to a cartoon song or something that makes you laugh and spin in circles.

Weddings are solemn because of the importance of the vows you're exchanging. They are joyous and exhilarating as well. The more you celebrate those qualities, the more you will call those qualities into marriage. You want to take your vows seriously. But you want to enjoy and revel in your life together. Let Spring help!

By Ann Keeler Evans

Bottom Line?: Give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed wildly, against all odds! After all, you deserve it. Your relationship deserves it! And now I'd like to invite you to sign up to receive 2 free templates for creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams, the wedding vows of your heart and the marriage of a lifetime:

The Rev. Ann Keeler Evans - helping you move from "I do" to happily and healthily ever after!

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Planning Your Perfect Wedding- Have Fun With Your Favors at Your Perfect Spring Wedding

Wedding favors (if you want them at all) should be fun, inexpensive and personal. It's not necessary to give people a present for coming to your wedding. After all, you're giving them dinner. You invited them because you love them. They came because they love you and they wanted to support and celebrate your wedding vows. They wanted to dance at your wedding.

But there's a lot of pressure in the magazines and books and websites about favors, so if you're going to give in, do something fun. (No, you may not give people live peeps dyed in your wedding colors as a wedding favor! It's not kind to the peeps!). Here are some Spring images to work on:

  • Barley Sugar bird or flower suckers. They come in great colors, you can find them on the 'net (or even make them with a mold!), tie a ribbon around them and you're done!

  • Jelly Beans. They come in all colors, you can get spicy if you don't want fruity. There are lots of places to find gourmet flavors if flavors are what you're looking for. Find ones that use your wedding colors.

  • Tiny Bird Candies. I've seen these on the net. They have great colors.

  • Tiny Bird Whistles. only if you have a real sense of humor and can stand the sound. Because the next thing you know, everyone will be tweeting for you to kiss!

  • A Flower Bulb. Pot a bunch of bulbs, one in each little pot, don't tell people what kind they are. Give them planting directions if you want and then let them be surprised by color and life.

  • A packet of lettuce seeds. You can give them the pot or not. Then send them next year as a reminder and a thank you!

  • A jar of sprouts! Put the sprouts in the jar with a little water. Close the jar. Tie a cloth square onto each jar with a ribbon. And voila! A fun gift.

I haven't seen this, but I'm sure they exist, or will by the time I finish this article:

  • Marshmallow chicks with your names written on them. If you want to be really wild and crazy you can send along some directions for chick jousting in the microwave.

And if you want to be serious, but have fun while you're doing it, gather a bunch of friends around to blow eggs and paint them. You're going to be surprised who will be good at the blowing of the eggs and who will be good at the painting of the eggs and who will want to be making the hors d'oeuvres and bringing the beer! Just don't do this last minute, because it's tedious. Make sure there's time to shop for jelly beans in case the dog decides to lie on the box!

Enjoy this part of your wedding. You're getting married. Keep having a good time. That's something you'll want to keep going all throughout your marriage!

By Ann Keeler Evans

Bottom Line?: Give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed wildly, against all odds! After all, you deserve it. Your relationship deserves it! And now I'd like to invite you to sign up to receive 2 free templates for creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams, the wedding vows of your heart and the marriage of a lifetime:

The Rev. Ann Keeler Evans - helping you move from "I do" to happily and healthily ever after!

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Importance of Wedding Forums

As you plan for your wedding, you often wish for a place where you can go, to talk about major issues affecting plans of the wedding. You do not have to wish anymore because there is a place that you can go, to have a chat with others. I'm talking about wedding forums. They are venues or platforms that see people from all walks of life come together to talk about weddings. When it comes to weddings, you will agree with me that there is so much to talk about. First, there is planning and there is also organizing for the event that has to take place. Wedding forums will be essential to you because you will find people who have had the experience. This way, you will learn from them a great deal. It is pretty good to look for forums and when you have enough time, you can share with others in this regard. Forums serve a vital role and the following is just an overview of what you can really expect when joining forums.

First, wedding forums will help you realize that you are not alone. When you start thinking about how your wedding will be like, you might stress over it and sometimes feel like you cannot make it. This obsession for success is pretty common and wedding forums will connect you to many people who are on the same boat as you. Usually, brides really have a hard time when it comes to coping with the stress. An army of experienced brides at forums will reveal to you that you need to take it easy. When you have people going through the same stuff just like you, they will have you connect in a deeper way. Apart from finding a support system from forums, you will be in a position to breed new ideas. People come up with different ideas that might be workable at your wedding. Therefore forums will help you learn a great deal. You can get ideas for wedding venues, dresses, food and the list goes on. This way, you will also get a chance to keep up with the trends. Trends in fashion and designs play a huge role in enhancing the feel of your wedding.

Wedding forums will enable you plan well for your wedding. You might have forgotten a certain aspect. Through forums, you are able to keep in touch with all the details that will go into a wedding. Above all, you will get to hear about the experiences of different people. This will help you hatch the reality of weddings and, you will look forward to your event with a better perspective. Many times, before you get married, you are usually confused and this is mainly because you do not know what to expect. Forums will guide you on how to cope in this regard. Do not forget that, at forums you will meet great people who can become close friends. I cannot overemphasize the important of joining a good forum for weddings; you have so much to gain.

By Francis K Githinji

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Free Online Dating Service Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Dating And Relationships Magazine

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Make Your Own Wedding Invitations

There is no doubt that the invitation cards will be something expensive if you would like to go for a really unique one. As a result, you may want to know how you can make your own wedding invitations. As a matter of fact, it is not really difficult for you to do so. You can do it easily if you are willing to spend the time on it.

In fact, even if you are not planning to save money, you may still want to make your own wedding invitations. This is because you can make the card special. There is no doubt that you can make them very unique and special if you can go for the idea of DIY.

Yet, you will also need to consider some practical issues when you make your own wedding invitations. You will need to make sure that you create the wordings properly. You have to make sure that you will be including the date and location of your event. Otherwise your guest will find it confusing when they receive your cards.

In fact, you may not need to use some sophisticated graphic software in order to make your own wedding invitations. You can just use word processors such as Microsoft Word to create the wordings. You will then print the wordings on the pages you love. The next steps will be adding some ornaments on the paper. This will make the card elegant.

On the other hand, if you are going to download some free templates to make your own wedding invitations, you may need to use some graphic software to manipulate the template. However, it should not be something difficult at the end of the day. There are a lot of websites which provide such templates and you should try to spend some time to search for the best design.
By Jerry Leung

So, you can check more about free wedding invitation templates on the web. You can also discover more about wedding invitation design while you are doing your researching.

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Bridesmaid Toast Easy Writing Guide - 5 Tips For Bridesmaid Speeches

As a bridesmaid, you are tasked to deliver the best bridesmaid toast during the wedding. This is a position of trust that is given to you because you are such a good friend of the bride. Now, I know that it is not easy to write wedding speeches and toasts, but all you really need is a guide to help you write your bridesmaid wedding toast.

If you are worried that you won't be able to write your bridesmaid toast, don't worry about it. Like you, I was also tasked to write a bridesmaid toast by my best friend. At first I was also on panic mode. I never thought that I would ever make a good bridesmaid toast. Good thing we have the Internet today. I found great writing tips and tricks that anyone can follow.

Here's what I learned about writing wedding toasts.

1. Make a draft of your speech. Free write your speech on a draft. Write it out, ignoring grammar and spelling, until you have exhausted what you need to write. Edit it heavily later or have someone edit your draft for you.

2. Keep your bridesmaid toast short and simple. Write short and simple sentences to fill out your paragraph. This will make your speech or toast, coherent and cohesive. Brevity is the key to a good wedding toast.

3. When writing your bridesmaid wedding toast, use descriptive language. Show, don't tell. This means that you have to make use of similes, metaphors, and imagery. These devices are great to engage the attention of your listening audience.

4. Do not use fancy words. In line with keeping your speech short and simple, avoid using fancy words that can only be found in a dictionary or thesaurus. using dictionary words will only alienate most of your listening audience.

5. Spend the first part of your toast introducing yourself. Remember that not everyone knows who you are and what your role is in the wedding. You can write the middle part of your toast by telling humorous anecdotes and inspirational stories about the bride and groom. Next, write the last part of your bridesmaid toast by congratulating the bride and groom for reaching the next stage in their relationship.

By John W Dixon

Now you know that it is not that hard to write a good bridesmaid toast. Just follow the guide and tips above and you will be on your way to writing your very own bridesmaid wedding toast. If you need any more tips and tricks, then head on over to

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