Sunday 29 March 2009

Planning Your Perfect Wedding - The Importance of Ritual in Your Perfect, Public Wedding Ceremony

The goal of a wedding ceremony is to produce a lifelong marriage. Your wedding ceremony can set up the work you will do throughout your shared lives as you create your successful union. It can, if designed right, muster the support and encouragement that will make marriage easier. It will serve as an eternal reminder to celebrate the love that brought you together and convinced you to embark on this fabulous, uncertain endeavor.

Eloping may seem simpler. But it can rob the couple of both sentiment and support that is so necessary when obstacles arise. Keeping the focus on the reason you're marrying - your great romance - will help you simplify your planning and celebrate what's important with the people who matter in your life. Here are some things to remember as you work to create a wedding ceremony that is about you and your great love:

Ritual is "time outside of time" to focus on an important life transition. There is no multi-tasking during ritual, there is only an intense focus on this important movement from engaged to married. At the beginning of the ceremony, you are not married, at the end of the ceremony you are. You want to create a sacred time and place so that this important decision can be supported and celebrated. A good celebrant can help you here, but you need to be clear that your wedding ceremony is a sacred time in which you and your partner will exchange promises that will change your lives forever.

What makes ritual sacred time (and NO, brushing your teeth isn't a ritual, it's an activity!)? It's a series of activities that take place when people are paying attention only to that thing. All other things in the world cease to exist in this moment. You enter in one form and exit changed forever (and this isn't just you, the community is transformed as well):

  • Call group together: ask your wedding guests to pay attention, "mawwidge is what brings us together today!"

  • Invoke spirit: If you're not God people, what thought or philosophy unites you?

  • Tell them what's going to happen (and why is always a good thing!) You are joining your lives because you are in love and because love makes such a gesture possible.

  • Do that thing. Exchange your promises, pledge your lives to one another.

  • Exchange symbols that explain to the world that your lives are altered. Do a Rng Ceremony.

  • Tell people what did happen.

  • Ask a blessing. (this can be either communal or religious)

  • Thank everyone.

  • Dismiss the group

Life is enriched by your attention to this very special time. The ceremony will be more beautiful and meaningful if you give it careful attention. And your marriage will be far stronger for taking this time very seriously indeed. So, are you ready to make your wedding ceremony a magical moment in time? How can you use this outline to make your ceremony an effective ritual moment?

By Ann Keeler Evans

Bottom Line?: Give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed wildly, against all odds! After all, you deserve it. Your relationship deserves it! And now I'd like to invite you to sign up to receive 2 free templates for creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams, the wedding vows of your heart and the marriage of a lifetime:

The Rev. Ann Keeler Evans - helping you move from "I do" to happily and healthily ever after!

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