Sunday 29 March 2009

What to Do With Excess Wedding and Unique Wedding Favors

You may find yourself having over bought the quantity of wedding party and unique favors due to guests rejecting the favors, no shows, and some guests forgetting to pick their gifts or wrong calculations and need dispose the extra tokens. In you can opt to keep them as memoirs of your big day. The gifts can be held on to and used for your future wedding commemorations. In the anniversaries you can give them to those newly found friends that were not there during the time of the wedding show them how you value them.

Start a tradition with your future linage is a bright idea where you pass on the favors to your children as tokens to mark the part of their origin. The sibling would then pass them done the line and leave them with their children to continue the chain. This would be the same way as how family treasures are passed on to new members of the family. In several years, the favors would become treasures and be very valued; this will also mark the beginning of a family tree that would be traceable to many years in the past. The later generations will get a peg to align to in their history; imagine possessing an item that was owned by your great- great parents over two hundred years ago.

Guests who genuinely missed the occasion due to some personal commitments such as sickness, work, studies, travel, funerals, and many other reasons could be rewarded with the extra remaining favors. Usually this can be done after the hassles of weddings are over. Despite the extra cost incurred by the bride and the groom, it is worthwhile for would be guests who receive them feel being part of the event spiritually. These people do matter to you but due to a number of reasons could not be present to witness the exchange of the vows hence must be appreciated.

If the sale contract allows you to return the extra favors to the supplier; this could be a better way to dispose them. Many suppliers insist on not accepting goods once sold unless faulty thus you must first check with the seller before buying. Some may choose to overlook the condition and accept the favors back at lowered price. Personalized tokens pose a danger for the names on the tokens must be removed before or after the goods are returned to the seller. This means that the value of the gifts is greatly lowered; no buyer would accept to buy favors with inscriptions of people unknown to them.

If the not accepted by the store, store you can decide selling them to pawn shops and second hand stores that will modify them and sell them. In some extreme case, where the guest were very pleased by the favors and wanted more you can offer the remaining the favors for sale to the willing guests. To integrated the guests with the ceremony you may decide to offer the remaining tokens to people who offer exceptional help during the ceremony as transporting gifts, assisting in arrangement, entertaining the guests, taking care of the children in the event and many other noble services. A significant amount of money is regained here, which is good and can be used to cover in some of the Budget deficits in your finances created by the wedding demands.

By Aaron Huu

If you are looking for Wedding Party Favors or Unique Wedding Favors, visit E-WeddingFavors who by far I have found has the best prices and the biggest selection of wedding party favors & unique wedding favors plus shipping is free.

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